- Access to unpublished information-techniques, equipment etc.
- Possibility of working in another environment for training
- Form and develop professional relationships
- Inspiration!
- Collaborations
- Problem solving/ sharing and advice
There are obviously many networks that I am naturally part of: family, friends, work colleagues (old and new) and these 'strong links' will always be great for bouncing ideas off. One area that may be more accute in it's rewards is online networking which is something I will be working on. I am not including my facebook in that as I am not too sure how Stephen Lippard would feel about me after reading my profile. I have, however, started with this blog (hoorah!) and this week have joined myRSC, a "highly interactive online community." I have also been looking at more professional social networking sites such as LinkedIn, academia.edu and researchGATE with the aim of recognising people in areas I am interested in.
The goal is to make that initial meeting as professional and meaningful as possible so that I get something out of it and don't look like a proper prat. With this in mind, I am taking part in a training course, run by Vitae, about career development. One of the themes is....networking! Ta-Da!
As always comment, tips, advice and experiences welcome. Iain left a great post about networking on my last instalment which I have used as inspiration (check)-cheers!
Right, I am off to catch me a science fishy-will update with progress!
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