ok, so i should be writing, but we all know its best to take a break for ten mins every now and then.......
awww, isnt sarah a total science doll?! I should introduce my work too......
I am currently writing my thesis at Newcastle University, studying an experimental approach to transition metal redox cycling within sulfidic environments. During my project ive been studying sulfide mediated reductive dissolution of iron oxides, and the fractionation of Fe and multiple S isotopes during this process. My study has largely been laboratory based on synthetic mineral models with an application to modern natural sediments (ie dirty work) and id class myself as an inorganic/isotope geochemist. Im interested in all aspects of biogeochemical cycling and the mechanisms associated to redox systems (reduction, dissolution, adsorption, precipitation, oxidation...) at the sediment-water boundary in many different marine environments (oxic/anoxic/sulfidic). I dont like to limit myself in the field and really see the value in studying modern sedimentary systems as analogues of ancient rock records. I also follow the use of tranisition metal isotopes sensitive redox- depositional markers of paleoenvironments and paleoclimate. I have just accepted my first post doc at the University of Cologne inorganic/organic and isotope markers of ancient climate systems during the Mid-Cretaceous era (112-109Ma) which was a period of massive climate change, green house effects, sea level change and volcanic activity.
Like sarah i wanted to start the blog basically to see if anyone else can give me information and advice on all the problems a young researcher encounters, and to maybe help change the perception of science amongst todays young society. Its hard work but is the best job i can imagine!!!!!!!
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