Tuesday, 11 May 2010

moving on.....

well, the tories are in............ so lets get back to the science.

In six weeks time i will be attending the annual International Geobiology workshop, held by USC and sponsored by none other than the Agouron institute, NSF and NASA to name a few. The course allows 20 young scientist from around the world to attend an intensive 5 week introduction to early earth evolution, mixing field work, lab work and a lecture series into this extraordinary course.

The problem/challenge i've found i've always wanted help with was getting ideas into making travel fund applications stand out, especially when in times of hardship it may be that some funding is getting cut in societies and research councils. I've always wanted to start a good comprehensive list of places for young geoscientists to look to help with funding, so as its my blog, im gonna do it!

Previous societities i have been successful with, and who have been extremely helpful with all my requests in the past include:

UKRC- Women in SET - Travel/Training Grants
British Mass Spectrometry Society - Student Travel Bursaries
Geochemical Society - for help attending Goldschmidt conference
Mineralogical Society - Travel Grants

i'll add more as i go along, feel free to mention more and ill keep adding to the list! ill make a separate list for other science funding too


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